jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012


Hola a tod@s:
Estamos de enhorabuena. Nuestr@s compañer@s de Bulgaria nos han mandado su canción favorita. Aquí os dejo su video y la letra (lyrics) de la canción (song). Muy pronto empezaremos a trabajarla en clase. Espero que os guste. BYE

Noisy Toys

3 comentarios:

  1. We really liked the song, it's very funny.
    Dani, Carla and Dad.

  2. Hello Dani, Carla and Dad:
    I'm very happy to know that you like this song. I hope that you learn it soon. Bye for now and thank you very much.

  3. Hello, friends!
    This is our song. We are very happy that you like it.We like singing and studying English!
    Greetings from Bulgaria!

    Pupils and their English teacher Ivanina Gaydova
    from 3rd Primary School in Shumen, Bulgaria
